
We believe that everyone, regardless of age, background or location, has the right to a good quality education, and support projects that strive to make this accessible to more people in all walks of life and in Israel’s extremely varied population groups.

Lod Foundation

The Lod Development Fund was established in 2008 with the aim of initiating and promoting projects for the benefit of the city of Lod and its residents. Among the Foundation's activities are initiatives to develop and encourage educational and employment opportunities, strengthen and develop activities for youth in the city, create encounters and dialogue between city residents from various groups and sectors, and encourage volunteer activities and involvement of residents in organisations of the community.

The Foundation operates as a private and independent association, supported solely by donations, promoting municipal processes for significant and long-term social change, through partnerships between the local authority and residents and private donors, philanthropic foundations, business organisations and government ministries. The members of the Foundation are residents of the city of Lod, representatives of the various sectors that make up the city and who give the city its special character.

The city of Lod and its residents embody the cultural mosaic that makes up Israeli society, and therefore constitutes a potential role model for the development of a geographical centre in Israel. Coexistence in the city is based on recognising the shared history, strengthening ties in the present and thinking about a shared future.

Anatta has been supporting the Lod Development Fund for the past 12 years in order to strengthen the organisation's activities in the city and to promote social action for the benefit of all residents of Lod. Thanks to Anatta's donations, the "Ruach Adam" Center was established – a diagnostic-therapeutic centre for children and adolescents in the city of Lod that provides mental therapy as well as parental guidance and group therapy. In addition to supporting the Foundation's day-to-day activities, Anatta also supports various occasional projects such as exhibitions, and more.

Zikaron Basalon

Zikaron Basalon is a social initiative that marks the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in a meaningful way, in living rooms, among family and friends. Over the past decade, the project has become an inseparable part of Holocaust Remembrance Day and its commemoration efforts, with more than 2 million people, in Israel and around the world, choosing to host and be hosted with “Zikaron Basalon" meetings. The initiative provides an opportunity to take a small, simple personal action while at the same time being and feeling part of something much bigger and more significant that concerns our identity as a people. "Zikaron Basalon" meetings encourage connection of youth with senior citizens, new immigrants with senior residents, ultra-Orthodox, religious and secular, Arabs, prisoners, the disabled, youth at risk and in fact all the different communities that create Israeli society and the Jewish people - in Israel and around the world

"Zikaron Basalon" manages and operates a national and international network of volunteers that helps connect hosts, guests and testimonials. The system, through the organisation's personnel and with the help of an advanced computer system, operates in a wide variety of ways to ensure that the new tradition and activities of the organisation continue and expand, and that the memory of the Holocaust will remain relevant forever.

Anatta has been contributing to Zikaron Basalon since becoming an official charity in 2018. Thanks to this donation, the organisation has established the unique technological infrastructure that enables the management of the complex system that includes tens of thousands of meetings in Israel and around the world around Holocaust Remembrance Day and to connects the salon hosts, testimonials and guests.

The Ramon Foundation

Anatta funds various activities of the Ramon Foundation, an organization dedicated to encouraging youth leadership and interest in science, aviation and space exploration. The Foundation offers educational programmes for children and teenagers, such as SpaceLab and SkyLab, which bring them into contact with scientists, astronauts and space agency representatives, as well as promoting space start-ups, hosting conferences and developing materials for science teachers, amongst a host of other initiatives.

Keren Ramon leads educational programs that operate in the spirit of Ilan, Rona and Assaf Ramon in order to inspire and develop values and abilities that will help every boy and girl realise their dreams within the worlds of space and aviation. As of 2022, the Ramon Foundation works in 240 educational institutions in 90 localities in Israel, with 70% of the Foundation's activities in the social and geographical periphery of Israel and 15% of its activities transferred to Arabic speakers.

Around the educational concept, based on Ilan Rona and Assaf's "Education in their Image", a magnificent network of educators and practitioners is being built, working from the Negev to the Upper Galilee to inspire and educate youth and students. The Foundation's Executive Committee, professional staff and various partners come from different fields of interest and expertise, and are considered leaders in their fields. Since 2010 thanks to the men and women of the professional educational staff, and alongside the wonderful teaching staff in schools, more and more children get to dream and discover their inherent potential and enrich their knowledge of the fascinating worlds of space and aviation.


Unitaf was created in response to a severe lack of childcare and early education solutions for the migrant and refugee communities in Tel Aviv. While the state is obligated to provide temporary protection for asylum seekers, it has stopped short of extending social and medical rights to this group, creating an impossible situation for parents who work all day but are ineligible for childcare services available to Israelis. Since 2005, Unitaf has been working to open daycare centres, nurseries and after-school programmes for children between the ages of three months and six years, and now provides these essential early childhood services to over 1,600 children. The centres are run by a staff of women from the foreign community who are trained by Unitaf and work closely with the organization and its volunteers. In addition to a warm, nurturing environment and an education set to give children an equal start with their Israeli peers, the centres provide comprehensive psychosocial support for children and their parents, helping them with challenges arising from their refugee status. Sharing Unitaf’s commitment to the utmost importance of early childhood education, Anatta hopes to help the organization expand its vital services to more families in need.


Nirim Youth Village, located on the northern shore of Israel, is a residential programme for 100 vulnerable young people, aged 14–18. Many of its participants come from low socio-economic backgrounds and are the children of first-generation immigrants. Some have problems with substance abuse and have dropped out of school, sometimes as a result of domestic violence, sexual abuse or neglect. Nirim’s approach is based on helping individuals discover their unique strengths, allowing them to develop the self-confidence they need to overcome their emotional challenges and integrate into the core of Israeli society. Alongside conventional therapy and community living, wilderness therapy is key to Nirim’s approach: treks, outdoor challenges and development of survival skills as means of strengthening confidence and leadership abilities. Nirim aims to foster in its participants the motivation and self-belief to successfully tackle the next steps their lives – emphasizing finishing school and service in the IDF – and give them the best possible foundation to prosper as adults.

Anatta has supported Nirim since 2013. This support enables Nirim to deepen and expand its activities and provide a response to unique challenges, including: establishing a unique framework that offers a tailored therapeutic solution for girls at risk; establishing an enrichment and personal development centre that enables Nirim trainees to locate and develop their personal talents; A training program for field therapy consisting of arduous journeys in the desert, extreme sports, field workshops and survival.


Migdalor is a pre-military service preparatory programme (mechinah) designed for young people from Israel’s social periphery. Its primary goal is to reduce social gaps within Israeli society by strengthening its students’ confidence and competency and enhancing their sense of connectedness to the wider society. Both physical and emotional strength is developed through a programme of drills, challenges and field exercises, with a special focus on activities at sea. Educational activities emphasise the development of a sense of social responsibility alongside creative problem solving and management skills. The programme accompanies its students, at no cost to them, throughout their preparatory year, their military service, their academic training and their entry into the workforce.

The Anatta Foundation has been contributing to the preparatory program since 2017, a donation that enables the integration of two students into the preparatory program.

Israel Judo Association

The Judo Association in Israel is an association headed by a voluntary elected board. Promotion of judo in Israel is important. As part of its activities, the association operates the national teams, holds the Israeli championships for various ages, and holds courses and advanced training for instructors, coaches, referees and activists in cooperation with sports institutions in the country. The Judo Association currently has about 6,000 registered athletes aged 10 and over. Judo was the first Israeli sport to win Olympic medals in Barcelona in 1992. Since then, the judo industry has been the leading sport in Israel in terms of achievements, with countless international medals over the years. Including World Cups, Grand Slams, the Grand Prix, the European Championships, the World Championships and the Olympics. The sport of Judo symbolises politeness, courage, honesty, self-respect, modesty, self-control and friendship. In addition, judo is deployed in the service of education because of its values of tolerance, perseverance and discipline. The judo association is proud to be active in all parts of Israel.

The Forum for Gender, Law and Policy

The Forum for Gender, Law and Policy serves as the first academic platform of its kind for the advancement of research, instruction, legal training, community outreach and public policy initiatives surrounding topics of gender inequality in Israel.

The Forum aims to achieve progress in the area of gender equality in Israel through the following channels of activity: promoting legal reform, developing and disseminating knowledge in the field of gender equality and promoting public debate on issues of gender inequality in various circles of influence including government offices, legislators, judges, lawyers, academics and feminist NGO’s.

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