Zikaron Basalon

Zikaron Basalon is a social initiative that marks the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in a meaningful way, in living rooms, among family and friends. Over the past decade, the project has become an inseparable part of Holocaust Remembrance Day and its commemoration efforts, with more than 2 million people, in Israel and around the world, choosing to host and be hosted with “Zikaron Basalon" meetings. The initiative provides an opportunity to take a small, simple personal action while at the same time being and feeling part of something much bigger and more significant that concerns our identity as a people. "Zikaron Basalon" meetings encourage connection of youth with senior citizens, new immigrants with senior residents, ultra-Orthodox, religious and secular, Arabs, prisoners, the disabled, youth at risk and in fact all the different communities that create Israeli society and the Jewish people - in Israel and around the world

"Zikaron Basalon" manages and operates a national and international network of volunteers that helps connect hosts, guests and testimonials. The system, through the organisation's personnel and with the help of an advanced computer system, operates in a wide variety of ways to ensure that the new tradition and activities of the organisation continue and expand, and that the memory of the Holocaust will remain relevant forever.

Anatta has been contributing to Zikaron Basalon since becoming an official charity in 2018. Thanks to this donation, the organisation has established the unique technological infrastructure that enables the management of the complex system that includes tens of thousands of meetings in Israel and around the world around Holocaust Remembrance Day and to connects the salon hosts, testimonials and guests.


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