Yehuda Lankri

Yehuda Lankri
Yehuda Lankry is a renowned Israeli academic, businessperson and political leader with roots in Morocco, has served as a Business Development Consultant to the Vital Capital Fund and as a Member of its Advisory Board since 2010.
Yehuda immigrated to Israel as a teenager from Morocco and began a life of public service at an early age. From 1983-1992, he served as Mayor of the City of Shlomi, and from 1992-1995 as the Israeli Ambassador to France. From 1996-1999 he was a member of the Israeli Parliament, where he also served as the Vice Speaker. From 1999-2002, Yehuda was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, and from 2003-2010 he was a delegate for International Relations at the Alliance Israelite Universelle. From 2005-2009, he served as a Board Member of the Israel Airports Authority, and from 2008-2011 as Chairman of the Board for Israel’s Channel 2. Currently, Yehuda is a member of the High Advisory Council for the High Representative of the UNAOC (United Nations Alliance of Civilizations) under His Excellency Miguel Angel MORATINOS, UN Under Secretary General, as well as the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Israel- Morocco.
Lankry completed his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in French Literature at Nice University, and received the French Legion of Honor award by decree of France’s President Jacques Chirac and was declared an Officer of Morocco’s Order of the Throne by His Majesty Mohammed VI.