Adam Campus

Anatta is pleased to be funding an exceptionally innovative educational initiative offered by the Israel Association for Self-Psychology’s Adam Campus in Lod, Israel. Lod is a city that has suffered especially from economic deprivation, leaving many of its residents without adequate institutional support with regard to essential needs such as housing, work and education. The Adam Campus seeks to alleviate this situation in two ways. First, it provides free psychoanalytic therapy to residents of Lod, thus aiming to provide them with a much-needed space to unwind, reflect and work through problems with the help of supportive professionals. Second, it is the seat of the IASP’s ground-breaking Psychoanalytic–Buddhist training programme, an advanced course for mental health professionals seeking to expand their palette of skills. The programme takes the view that psychoanalysis and Buddhism – modern and ancient, Western and Eastern – can enhance each other, creating a potentially transformative, holistic approach to the human psyche. Adjacent to the programme are training courses for Lod’s professional officers in the areas of education, mental health, culture, welfare and community support, in an effort to embed effective novel practices in the city’s approaches to these issues.

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