Bet Sheva

The Batsheva Dance Company, founded in 1964 as a repertory company by Baroness Batsheva de Rothschild, is one of the most prominent and well-known dance companies in the world. The company is at the forefront of the local and international dance, thanks to the bold choreographic voice of in-house choreographer Ohad Naharin and thanks to the uncompromising performance quality of the company's dancers. Bat-Sheva is an international company of about 40 dancers with two performing ensembles, the senior and the Batsheva Ensemble. The dancers come from Israel and around the world. Batsheva is the largest dance company in Israel and holds about 220 performances a year for over 100,000 spectators. The company's dancers take an active part in the creative processes in the a program "Batsheva Dancers Create", performed annually with the support of Michael Sela Foundation for the cultivation of young talent in Batsheva. The revolutionary movement language developed by Naharin serves as the daily training method of the company's dancers.

Bat-Sheva maintains an annual workshops attended by outstanding dancers in Israel, as well as annual summer courses. The courses enable young dancers to become familiar with the company's work processes, to perfect their personal and professional toolbox and to develop professional skills at a high level.

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