Ora Etrog Stibbe

Ora Etrog Stibbe
Ora Etrog Stibbe is a psychotherapist, certified instructor in art therapy psychodrama, and a social entrepreneur who supports and volunteers tirelessly to promote and advance social justice and human rights, particularly within disadvantaged populations and developing countries. For over twenty years, Mrs. Stibbe has worked as a therapist specializing in anxiety and depression. Ora and her husband Eytan founded Anatta Ltd., a social benefit company that founded the ‘Adam Campus’ academic and treatment center, serving the population of the mixed Jewish-Arab city of Lod, with treatments of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, diagnosis and program development for the local educational institutes and communities. The couple also supports a wide range of social interventions, including programs for at-risk-youth (Nirim), day care and after school programs for children of refugees with no Israeli status (Unitaf), and academic programs at a number of Israeli universities. At the University of Haifa, they have generously contributed to the University’s flagship International MA Program in Child Development, which has attracted dozens of professionals from over 30 developing countries. Ora Stibbe is passionate about and has been personally involved with the MA Program for over a decade, making a significant impact on human development while promoting the international standing of the University of Haifa and the State of Israel.